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The Formula Workbooks for new-club builders and club counselors


As club counselor, you will be a mentor to new and existing clubs, guiding them to independence. You’ll share best practices, direct them to resources and help instill healthy habits that make them strong, self-sufficient and purposeful.

General Resources: (Click here)

Working with new clubs:

Club leadership education
Club Committee structure
Finance and Liability
Becoming part of the community
Charter celebration
First fundraiser
First service project
Ongoing inviting
First membership drive
Creating purpose
Planning the first year

Working with existing clubs:

Assessing the situation (earning trust, gaining insight)

Diagnosing the need:

Achieving Club Excellence: Working together, a group of committed Kiwanians can do anything.

Is your club working together?

ACE tools can get you there! Each tool includes exercises designed to create dialogue, gain perspective and lead you to ask insightful questions that will help
your club remain relevant, impactful and strong. Find the tools you need based on this list of common concerns (click here).

Focus on member experience

Being relevant in the community

The end goal: Strong membership for community relevance

Celebrating success

Provide continued support and mentoring

Other resources to use (see p 91 in workbook)



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